About Us

We work hard to keep you safe and secure.

VPNExplained.com does just that, explain what the hell a VPN is, why you need one and why its critical to protect your freedom. Our website is only new, but we have already helped a few people find the best VPN services.

Our team shortlist the best VPNs, filtering out the VPN time wasters while putting the big boys through their paces. Our goal is to publish independent research, offer free online guides, but most of all increase awareness of VPNs (or Virtual Private Networks). We hope that overtime VPNs will become common services, which protect and secure your devices.

We strongly believe that the internet is a place where you should be able to watch and read freely, without borders, blocks or government intervention. With the right VPN on your side, we hope that everyone will have access to the same content, no matter their location.

Proudly Supporting Privacy & Internet Freedom

Internet Freedom

How We Make Money

It’s no secret that our HQ needs electricity and a regular supply of tea bags and we can only do this by working with the VPN providers. This means that if you click and buy a VPN product or service we could get paid a referral fee. The compensation offered by the VPN providers might affect where or how we position the offers and promotions on our website. However, it does not affect our reviews and judgement. We don’t elevate rubish VPNs regardless of the financial compensation.

If you don’t see a VPN or service you think is fantastic, then please reach out to our team and we will try our hardest to review and add our opinion.